Well, unfortunately, I have not spent enough of my seconds each day training. After the half ironman, I had a hurt foot, knee and hip which needed to recover. I was limping around pathetically until Wednesday when I finally got a good workout in. My week was supposed to be recovery anyways, but I still didnt do what I wanted. In any case, I have accepted the fact that I lost a few days to recovering and I am back on track- everyone has ups and downs, I guess?
Last weekend was a tough one as I attempted to bike the route (one loop) Saturday, but we woke up to heavy rain storms and had to delay our ride, then when we did get started, i was in immense pain and had to turn back and run instead. A funny story did happen during the 1.5 hours I was riding...
It had just stopped raining and all of the roads were soaking wet. We were riding up 42 when all of the sudden a deer ran out from the Rose Island Rd side of the road and across the street. It was cool to see the deer so close and even better that the deer didnt ram into us (it was about 100 yards or so away), then we see "Bambi" run up into someone's front yard and then figure out it was being chased by a black lab, and quickly turn around and gallop back towards the street (by the time all of this happened, we were about 5 feet from it- close call). So "Bambi" starts running across 42, slips on the slick pavement and goes down on her hind legs, then her back, sliding all the way across 42. Jackie and Sarah were upset by these events, I happened to think it was hilarious. The deer didnt get hurt and as far as we know, it is still kickin' it off Rose Island Rd, but we did learn a little about a deer's ability to run across slick pavement!

So not a whole lot else went on for the weekend- as i said before, no major training breakthroughs, but Monday was a good, hard OH River swim, which was fun, but maybe not too smart. There have been rumors that people have gotten e-coli from the River lately and apparently in all the rain, a sewer downtown overflowed into the river. Maybe a Monday wim after the storm wasnt the smartest option, but it was downstream and we didnt care much. I'll keep you posted on my e-colic conditions ;).
So we have 5 weeks left (or a little LESS) until the big day and these next three weeks are going to be rough. I cant believe we are in the final stretch of all of this. August 30th is going to be a bitter sweet day- I dont know if I want all the training to end, with all of the fun I am having! Maybe I will train for something else? Its a lot to think about, but I cant imagine being inactive at all... Have to find a new goal!
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